Company trip & team building 2024

       In a year of hard work and challenges, organizing company trips and team building activities not only brings relaxing and fun moments to all employees but also plays an important role in connecting and enhancing teamwork spirit.

      TOsVN’s company trip is not only a recreational activity but also a valuable opportunity for company members to relax, explore new places and strengthen relationships with colleagues. From enjoying local dishes to participating in exciting outdoor activities, the trip helped everyone escape from work pressure and create memorable memories.

      This year, TOsVN chose Mui Ne as the destination for the company trip. Here, members participated in activities such as visiting scenic spots, experiencing team games, and enjoying cozy parties together. These moments not only help TOsVNers relax but also create conditions for colleagues to understand each other better and build stronger relationships.

          Besides the trip, team building activities were organized to strengthen the team spirit and encourage creativity. Games and challenges were designed to encourage effective cooperation, communication and problem solving.

       Company trips are not only part of the welfare policy but also a powerful tool to build a strong, creative and cohesive team. These values ​​not only benefit employees but also help the organization develop and achieve long-term success.

        Sincere thanks to all members who participated and contributed to the success of these activities. TOsVN look forward to our next trips and team building activities, and hope that TOsVNers will continue to create many memorable memories together!